воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cost of metal roofing

I must admit, so far this weekend has been both productive AND enjoyable.

I spent most of Friday bashign my head against my two assignments which still were nowhere near working order. By Friday evening I decided to say "screw it", emailed my professors asking for help, and went onto WoW to relax a bit. I had a really good time on WoW. My guild, which downright DIED over the summer, (to the point where it was not uncommon for me to log on in the middle of the day and be the only one on, whereas before I was never alone even in the early AM hours) has started to repopulate. People who left the guild for the summer are returning, and people who completely left WoW for the summer are returning as well. As such, we FINALLY had enough people to do Kara again. Everyone was excited to go since it had been a while, and they recently nerfed the raid dungeons, so we all wanted to see how easy it was now. .... We ripped through everything like they were nothing. It was funny watching people pull large groups of enemies that we previously would have avoided. Especially when they did the pulls without making sure everyone was ready. Lol. It really was a lot of fun. =)

Then there was yesterday. Again, I woke up and went straight to work on my coding. With a little help from Andrew, I managed to get my pathfinding algorithm for my AI class to work. I also managed to get the "Rubberbanding" feature to work. (Basically, if the character would normally go from PointA to PointB to PointC, but thereapos;s a reasonable straight-line path from PointA to PointC, it will eliminate PointB.) I then decided to play some WoW, since it was getting later, Iapos;d been working all day, and I wanted a shot at the yearly Halloween events that became available yesterday. We went to fight the special Halloween boss, and I managed to get a rare non-combat pet (The Sinister Squashling Basically, a jack-o-lantern with a plant-like body that follows you around.) Of course, one of my closest friends in the game did his normally teasing that I always win the items that drop. Of course, THEN the SUPER rare mount dropped, and HE won it. It didnapos;t stop him from teasing me about winning items, but no one was buying it after he won that. Lol And the night came to a peak in the early AM hours when another guildmember came online completely wasted. On the Ventrilo voice chat program we use, he came on and started regaling us with tales of his evening. Quite frankly, it was HILARIOUS. Actually, he had invited me out drinking with him and some othe guildies, since they live in Washington, but I declined. (Iapos;m wary of meeting people I only know online, and I donapos;t really drink. Hell, thereapos;s some alchohol in our fridge from Kimapos;s birthday nearly 2 months ago that has barely been touched) And after hearing him on vent, Iapos;m glad I did decline. Iapos;d much rather listen to the stories afterwards than have to deal with it in person.

Finally, we come to today. I woke up, started my computer, and immediately went back to work on my AI project. I fiddled with things, and made some vague progress, then made lunch. Of course, ideas kept hitting me as I was cooking/eating, so Iapos;d pause, come back to my computer, and try them. With my lunch nearly ready to be eaten, I managed to get my program to a point where it was ESSENTIALLY doing what it was suppose to, but was infinite looping just before the end. I started eating while mulling it over when it hit me... I came back to my computer, altered one line of code, and BAM That part of the program now works exactly as itapos;s suppose to ... Er... ALMOST. I actually JUST discovered a minor bug with it. But, itapos;s minor and doesnapos;t crash the program or anything. It shouldnapos;t take me THAT long to fix. Iapos;m just so incredibly excited about this You see, this part which I just got working.... Is worth 30 of the entire project. That would have been a MASSIVE amount of points off if I couldnapos;t get it working. Now all I have left for that program is to fix that bug and implement one last portion. (which is worth 5) Then, itapos;s documentation time and itapos;s done

Unfortunately, I still havenapos;t had any luck with my final programming assignment due next week. Thankfully, though, itapos;s not due until Tuesday evening, so Iapos;ve got 2 more classes to harass the teacher for help. (Since his email response wasnapos;t that helpful.) For now, Iapos;m off
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